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Manage Exhibitor / Sponsors Items

The manage exhibitors / sponsors item section allows you to edit / delete an exhibitor / sponsor item, with the following section

Action bar

The top section of the manage exhibitors / sponsors item page contains an action bar with the following options:

Download exhibitor or sponsor spreadsheetWill download a spreadsheet of all your exhibitors or sponsors. This can also be used for bulk upload
Delete all exhibitors / sponsors itemsThis will remove all exhibitors / sponsors items from the event This cannot be undone
Delete all exhibitors / sponsors items

Deleting all exhibitors / sponsors items is a destructive action, and cannot be undone.

Exhibitors / Sponsors

A listing of all the exhibitors / sponsors items you have added

NameThe name, photo, and rating of the exhibitor / sponsor item will be listed
ModifyEdit / Delete an exhibitor / sponsor