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Manage Exhibitor / Sponsors

The manage exhibitors / sponsors section contain the same options. The separation in pages 'Manage Sponsors' or 'Manage exhibitors' is done to help distinguish between the two types of exhibitors / sponsors, however they are viewed logically as one entity.

Action bar

The top section of the exhibitors / sponsors page contains an action bar with the following options:

Download all QR ShareThis will download all QR share codes for exhibitors / sponsors, this will generate a ZIP file of all QR codes, each QR code will be named with the exhibitor / sponsor ID for an exhibitor / sponsor.
Download All QR CodesThis will download all the QR codes for all Exhibitor or Sponsors respectively. These codes, when scanned will navigate to the exhibitor / sponsor profile
Download exhibitor or sponsor spreadsheetWill download a spreadsheet of all your exhibitors or sponsors. This can also be used for bulk upload
Delete all exhibitors or sponsorsThis will remove all exhibitors or sponsors from the event This cannot be undone
Delete all exhibitors or sponsors

Deleting all exhibitors or sponsors is a destructive action, and cannot be undone.

Exhibitors / Sponsors

A listing of all the exhibitors / sponsors you have added


Depending on what section is selected, manage exhibitors or manage sponsors will list element accordingly. When viewing manage exhibitors, they will be displayed in alphabetical listing, while viewing sponsors will list in their grouping order

NameThe name, photo, and rating of the exhibitor / sponsor will be listed
PinThe lead retrieval pin
QRThe QR section is a link to view / download an exhibitor / sponsor QR code. This code can be used by attendees to scan and view the profile
QR ShareThe QR share is a link to view the QR share, this code, when scanned will prompt a user to share their information
ModifyEdit / Delete an exhibitor / sponsor
QR Share

allows for a kind of reverse lead retrieval, allowing attendees to scan a code to share their information. However, this is somewhat unnecessary as the request information option is now embedded into the app itself. This feature is still available, but will be removed in the future. It is better to use the request information option in the app.