Exhibitors / Sponsors
The exhibitors / sponsors section allows you to add, edit and delete exhibitors / sponsors for your event. In additon, you can also add exhibitor / sponsor 'Items' to your event.
Exhibitor / Sponsor Items are items that are associated with an exhibitor / sponsor. For example, if you have a sponsor that wishes to showcase a product or service, this allows you to add those items and will display under their profile in app.
📄️ Add exhibitor / sponsor
The add exhibitor / sponsor section allows you to add an exhibitor / sponsor to your event. The add exhibitor / sponsor section is broken
📄️ Add Item
The add item section allows you to add items / products to your event. Items (products) are goods and services an
📄️ Bulk import
The bulk import allows you to use a spreadsheet to import your exhibitors / sponsors. This is a great way to import a large number of exhibitors / sponsors at once.
📄️ Bulk import items
Before adding any exhibitor / sponsor item, an exhibitor / sponsor must be present in the system. If not present, this will result
📄️ Manage Exhibitor / Sponsors
The manage exhibitors / sponsors section contain the same options. The separation in pages 'Manage Sponsors' or 'Manage exhibitors'
📄️ Manage Exhibitor / Sponsors Items
The manage exhibitors / sponsors item section allows you to edit / delete an exhibitor / sponsor item, with the following section
📄️ Manage Sponsor types
The manage sponsor types allows you to edit the sponsor types and orders.
📄️ Manage item groups
The manage item groups section allows you to edit or delete an item group.