Bulk import
The bulk import allows you to use a spreadsheet to import your sessions. This is a great way to import a large number of sessions at once.
You must use the correct spreadsheet template to import your sessions. You can download the template from the manage sessions page OR using the 'Download sessions template' button at the top right of the bulk import page.
Spreadsheet template
If a session has a 'Session ID' present, the system will attempt too 'update' that session. If not session ID is present, the system will try and insert that session
Type | Value | Description |
Name | String | The name of the session |
Location | String | The location of the session If a location is not already in the system, one will be created with this name |
Description | String | The description of the session, this should include details about the session |
Track | String | The track or tracks associated with this session. Multiple tracks should be seperated by a comma eg track1,track2 If a track is not in the system, one will be created |
Survey ID | Integer | The ID of the survey you wish to assign to a session ``` Must be the survey ID |
Session ID | String in brackets | The session ID Session ID must be contain in brackets [sessionID] If a session ID is present , the system will attempt to 'update' that session. If no session with that ID is found, it will return an error. |
Speaker | Comma list in brackets | The speakers must be the speaker ID, if multiple speakers are to be used, then a comma seperated list inside brackets will be used eg [12345,12323,12121] Must already be in the system |
VideoURL | URL | The full URL to the video, must contain https:// |
Sponsors | String | A listing of sponsors who are sponsoring the session. Must be a sponsor ID inside brackets, for multiple sponsors, use a comma list of sponsor IDs eg [223232,2323232,23232] Must already be in the system |
Date | Date | The date the session will be on must be in MM/DD/YYYY format |
Start time | Time | The start time of the session must be in HH:MM AM/PM format |
End time | Time | The end time of the session must be in HH:MM AM/PM format End time must be after start time |
CEU | Integer | The number of CEU credits for the session |
If any values are incorrect, the system will return an error with the line number of each error. Once corrected, you can upload the speadsheet again.