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Add session

The add session page allows you to create a session for your event. The add session page is broken up into the following sections:

Session details

The session details section allows you to configure high level details about the session.

Session TitleStringThe title of the session
CEU CreditIntegerThe number of credits this session is worth
Video URLURL StringThe video URL can be used for pre-recorded OR live-stream URLS. The URL must be a web accessible URL, capable of running in an HTML viewer. Most common videos are streaming platforms are Youtube and Vimeo.
Session dateDate StringThe session date is the date the session will take place on. This section will use a calendar widget to ensure proper formatting
Session startTime StringThe session start is the time the session will start, eg 5:00 PM
Session endTime StringThe session end is the time the session will finish, eg 6:00 PM
Session SponsorsSelectThe session sponsors allows you to select a 'sponsors' or 'sponsors' who may have 'sponsored' a specific session
Session DetailsStringThe session details is the details about the specific session.

Session tracks

The session tracks section allows you to add or assign tracks to a session.


To add new tracks, click the 'Add new track' button at the top right of the screen

TrackMulti-SelectSelect the tracks this session is associated with

Add track

Track nameStringAdd the track name for the new track

Once a track is added, it will display in the track multi-select box below.

Session location

The session location allows you to select a location this track will take place at.


Location can also have 'map points' associated with them in the maps > add map point page.

Session locationSelectSelect the location for this session

Add location

To add a new location, simply click the add new location button. This will expose a new window where you can add a new location.

Location nameStringThe name of the new location

Session speakers

The session speakers section allows you to assign speakers to a session. Simple select the speakers from the speaker multi-select box.

Session attendees

To assign an attendee to a session, simply select the attendee(s) from the attendee multi-select box.


Adding an attendee to a session will add the session to their 'favs'. Once validated, it will show up in their favs section in app

Session surveys

To assign a survey to a session, simply select the survey from the survey dropdown box. Once selected, the survey will be assigned to the session and attendees will be able to take the survey.


A survey must already be created before assigning it to a session. To create a survey, click the 'Survey > Add survey' button from the left hand menu.

Session files

Session files allow you to upload or assign files to a session. All files uploaded to the 'files' section will be available to assign to a session. Once a file is assigned to a session, it will display in-app in each session under the 'files' tab.

Session access

The session access section allows you to configure the access for a session based on attendee groups.


For group access to work, you must have the "Display session by attendee group" setting enabled in the configuration section.