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Session Analytics details

The session analytics details give you detailed information about a session analytics. This includes the following information:

SectionDescription a
Session titleThe name of the session you are viewing
Session RatingThe rating the session has if any
Date FilterFilter the responses by a specific date range Default is a rolling 1 week interval
Attendee EngagementA graph showing the number of clicks, broken down by device type Android, IOS, Web
Attendee listA listing of attendees who as accessed the session and the number of times they have accessed the session. Clicking on an attendee will display the duration of each visit to the session
Users in sessionAn approximate number of current visitors to a session
Added to agendaThe number of attendees who have added this session to their agenda
Session chatThe full chat-log for the session
Session pollsA listing of polls the session may have These are attendee generated polls, selecting this box will display the polls as well as the poll responses
Session check-inThe number of attendees who have checked in Click on this number will list out the attendees who have checked in and the date of the check-in
LocationAn approximate location of where attendees are accessing the event from with a map